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Change a child’s life through playful learning.


Make a difference today!

Play Africa Group is a registered South African non-profit company (#2014/101533/08) and public benefit organisation (#930048005). Donations to Play Africa may qualify for a tax certificate as per Section 18A, under South Africa’s Income Tax Act. Level 1 B-BBEE.

We have partnered with globally-respected platform GivenGain to securely and safely receive your donation.

We can’t support children without you!

Fundraise #ForPlayAfrica.


Raise money as an individual. Do it together as a group. Inspire your organisation to give together. Fundraise however you can imagine! You have the power to support children’s education and healthy development with Play Africa.

When you learn, teach.
When you get, give.
– Maya Angelou

Become a Play Africa champion.


Play Africa Champions are monthly givers who share our mission to ensure every child can experience playful learning.

We serve more than 20,000 children from local communities every year. But the demand is enormous. We urgently need your sustained help to bring these experiences to more children.

100% of your monthly donation helps us pioneer inclusive, equitable playful learning sub-Saharan Africa.

Create a partnership.


Companies. Non-profit organisations. Universities. Faith-based organisations. Community groups. There is power in numbers! Help us harness the potential of institutions to improve children’s lives through playful learning in South Africa and across sub-Saharan Africa.


Science at Home Activity Pack 4

Science at Home Activity Pack 3

Science at Home Activity Pack 2

Science at Home Activity Pack 1

Activity Pack 3

Activity Pack 2

Activity Pack 1